Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mental Health - Post 21

One of today's suggestions was Mental Health.  This topic could fill many many posts in and of itself.

The mental health field has kept me employed for nearly 17 years.  No.. I'm not a therapist.  Some would say that I cause mental anguish, but that comes with working in accounts receivables.  After all, don't you stress when you get a bill in the mail?  Me too.

When it comes to diabetes and mental health, it surprises me, and yet doesn't surprise me, how much they go hand in hand. 

The first doctor I saw when I was diagnosed left a lot to be desired.  I talked about some of it in my first post, but I also wish she would have told me how much of a mental strain there was going to be.  I mourned the loss of "normal" life as I knew it.  I mourned again when I received my corrected diagnosis, and that is just the initial toll. 

Daily there is emotional and mental issues that go along with having diabetes.  I have beat myself up a few times because I could have chosen something better for lunch, or failed to remember my supplies when I knew I'd be running out of insulin before lunch.  We've all been there. 

Daily there is the emotional and mental issues that our Type Awesome's have to deal with also.  I can't count how many times I've overheard my husband talking to someone about how he wished it would have been him and not me.  Or how he wishes there was something more he could do. 

The mental toll of having a chronic condition can be heavy, but with the loving support of family and friends we can make it.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, we sure can make it. But I swear, often the mental aspects of living with diabetes are harder than all of the pokes and jabs.
