Monday, May 11, 2015

I can...

"In the UK, there was a diabetes blog theme of "I Can..." that participants found wonderfully empowering.  So lets kick things off this year by looking at the positive side of our lives with diabetes.  What have you or your loved one accomplished, despite having diab3etes, that you weren't sure you could? Or what have you done that you've been particularly proud of?  Or what good thing has diabetes brought into your life?"

Diabetes has done a lot in my life.  The changes that I have gone through, not only in my own health, but in my house as well, have been both good and bad.  I've cleaned, and lost, closet space.  I've watched my food intake more, and also threw it out the window. 

The one thing that I am particularly proud of is my exercise competition with my best friend this year.  I've surprised myself with being able to surpass my goal every month!  One month I even completed double what my goal was! 

It hasn't been without it's bummers, let me assure you.  This month, for example, I did not win.  My best friend beat me by a few hours.  FEW HOURS!!  I was 1.03 mile short of the goal, when she texted me at 6:50 this morning with her completion of the month's goal.  (I'll expand more on this at the end of the month when I have my complete figures).

However, the fact that I'm able to reach my goal, without significant lows and even plowing through a few highs, tells me that I can do anything I set my mind to. 

I can push myself and not let Diabetes get in the way. 

I can compete against a "healthy' person, on the same level and truly be a challenging competitor.

I can

I will


I DO!!


  1. And you rock doing it. Congratulations on meeting those goals this year. Sometimes it's hard, but you're worth it.

    1. Thank you Stephen! Sometimes it is very hard.

  2. Way to go, Jenn!!! Each little step counts and matters -- something that I really haven't embraced myself lately, but am more and more motivated to follow through on after seeing so many inspiring stories. I've felt like I don't have time or just can't, because I'm so out of shape or just time-crunched, but it gives me the boost to want to do this. I hope to get where you are before long, although I'm starting from scratch. But, no doubt: I Can, and Will!

    1. It's all about baby steps, Mike. I promise, I was no where near where I am now just 3 months ago. It's amazing how we end up finding time. I'd be willing to bet, that if you looked closely, you'd find quite a bit of time that you could get an extra walk around the block in. You got this!! You can, and I KNOW you WILL!

  3. Aww, good luck on your competition this month!!

    1. Thanks, Kelley. I did lose this month in the competition, but I still reached my goal, and that is a win in and of itself.

  4. The way the Fitbit challenges have been going, I am starting to wonder if a "healthy" competitor would be easier than these crazy diabetes people:-)

    So glad that your foot is allowing you to exercise. I suppose that your temps are starting to get hot and limit your outdoor exercise. Come to Minnesota where it is currently 49 degrees and raining....

    1. I couldn't agree with you more! These FitBit challenges make my monthly competition look like an after thought!

      My foot is cooperating on a limited basis. It hurts like no one's business. I will be having it fixed this Thursday, so my steps and competition will be limited for awhile. The temperature is warming up. Just today during my afternoon walk it was 82. Soon, the walks will be at sunrise. I'm thinking that 49 and rain sounds very... tempting.

  5. I love following your exercise competition. Such a great idea for keeping motivated.

    1. Thanks Karen! The competition has been so much fun, and so rewarding. I'm kinda curious what we'll do to tweak it for next year.

  6. Congrats on surpassing your goal each month! That's a big accomplishment. It's also a good idea to set goals, I'm pretty active, but I bet it would help me stay on track and have something to work towards if I started something similar. Thanks for sharing!

    1. If it weren't for this competition, I don't think I would be half as active as I am. It has been the greatest thing for me, exercise wise, this year.

  7. Your dedication to your exercise is motivating!

    1. Thanks Kate! A little healthy competition is good for the soul.. and body.
